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Sans souci et sans stress, notre processus est simple

Nos plans de soins sont  hautement personnalisé  à vos besoins et bilan de santé.   Laissez-moi vous aider à prendre les meilleures décisions et vous accompagner sur votre chemin vers le mieux-être. 

Caregiver Support

Counselling for those in caregiving roles, such as parents, pregnancy partners, health care providers, or in the care of others as an active caregiver.

Caring for yourself through illness

Counselling for those with a new or chronic disease, don’t let your disease define you. Sometimes a diagnosis brings about feelings of shame, doubt, guilt, and denial.

Relationship Conflict

Counselling for those going through divorce, separation or a relationship with a parent, friend, employer or child that brings about a lot of challenges, emotional pain and feelings of inadequacy.

Are these sessions right for me?

Let's find out! Get into a calm state of reflection and answer the questions honestly to yourself below.


Do I feel powerless or hopeless as a result of my diagnosis?

Do I feel as though I am being punished for something I have done?


Do I feel unsupported from those around me and have difficulty verbalizing what I need?

Do you feel everyone else is having the time of their life and you are just a spectator?


Do you feel there is more that you could be doing to live a meaningful and happier life?


Do you find interacting with friends and the people you love most to be exhausting?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions above, these sessions can change your life.

How it works

See FAQ section below for more details

60 minutes

1-on-1, in our comfortable office

virtual sessions available

flexible scheduling


Book a session

It's time for some powerful relief and empowerment.

Select an option

Thank you for your request. We will be in touch within 2 business days to schedule your session.

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